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Archive: Mortgage Lending

5 KPIs That Drive Any Growth Strategy | Dan Green

Wondering how your institution compares to the industry average when it comes to key performance statistics? Find out how Mortgage Cadence customers are tracking progress against their goals to build a growth strategy and gaining wallet share using these surprisingly simple equations.

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Industry Leaders Unite at Ascent 2018

Mortgage Cadence's user conference, Ascent, aims to improve Borrower Experience with lenders & best-in-class service providers. In April, a group of top lenders and best in class service providers from all over the country traveled to The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs to attend Mortgage Cadence’s annual user conference, Ascent, with the common goal of improving […]

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Borrower Experience Survey Reveals 3 Key Observations in Lending

A highly personalized borrower experience that is fast, simple, transparent and secure across all channels, both online and offline, is a universal want of all borrowers.

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Borrowers Everywhere Want Accessibility and They Want it Now

When it comes to technology and the mortgage industry, change is the name of the game. Technology has enabled automation, which has led to borrowers expecting around the clock accessibility. On today’s episode of LendTech Live, Michael Hammond, President of Nexlevel Advisors, shares his depth of knowledge in the lending industry and details how exceeding […]

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2017 Digital Mortgage - Best in Show Finalist

At Digital Mortgage 2017, over one thousand of the mortgage industry's most innovative executives gather to gauge which innovations drive the industry forward. After each round of demos, attendees vote for the solutions they think are most likely to succeed. Furthermore, with over 40 participating companies, Mortgage Cadence was designated as one of the top five […]

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Lending Longevity

In the mortgage origination world, two of the most critical survival elements include compliance and finance.

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Industrialization of Growing Organizations

By: Jake Petersen, "Industrialization of growing organizations," for CUInsight Growth within any organization can be a benefit and a curse. As a company grows, it faces the challenge of on-boarding new employees while rising to the increased demands of a growing customer base. In any complex company, it is difficult to replicate the knowledge of […]

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Feed your loan origination business

While there is no perfect formula for nurturing real estate agents, our survey does provide a glimpse into what makes them tick.

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Mandy Phillips: Integrated Disclosures Will Bring About ‘Philosophical Shift’

By: MortgageOrb, "Mandy Phillips: Integrated Disclosures Will Bring About ‘Philosophical Shift’" PERSON OF THE WEEK: Amanda (Mandy) Phillips is legal and compliance senior executive for Accenture Mortgage Cadence. MortgageOrb recently interviewed Phillips to learn about how the company is helping lenders meet the upcoming deadline for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) new integrated disclosures […]

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