Decreasing cost to close involves many moving parts. Nailing the always moving target that is compliance is essential to pulling the profit lever.
Decreasing cost to close involves many moving parts. Nailing the always moving target that is compliance is essential to pulling the profit lever.
New regulations that come with TRID 2.0 By: Amanda Phillips for Today's Lending Insight Over a year in the making, TRID 2.0 was finally released on July 7, 2017. With an effective date 60 days after the final rule is published in the Federal Register, and a mandatory compliance deadline of October 1, 2018, the […]
With the 2018 effective date just around the corner, how are you preparing for the new HMDA rule? Mortgage Cadence's Amanda Phillips and Matt Hydrew walk you through the steps you should be taking now to ensure you're ready.
Ultimately, Mortgage Cadence was the first loan origination technology provider able to say their customers were closing TRID-compliant loans as early as October 2015 due to rolling the product releases out ahead of schedule.
By: Progress in Lending TRID has been all consuming for the past two years now. Top executives gathered at the Fifth Annual ENGAGE Event to discuss what happens now. What will the mortgage industry be like now that TRID is a reality? In the end, lenders have to demonstrate that they are making an effort […]
By: Amanda Phillips for Tomorrow's Mortgage Executive We still have more time to deal with TRID before the industry will need to refocus its attentions on what’s next, but HMDA and Fair Lending are the candidates most likely to be affected by reform. For over a year, it has been all TRID, all the time. […]
By: Amanda Phillips and Matt Hydrew for Tomorrow's Mortgage Executive We started talking the day the RESPA-TILA rule was announced that this regulation is more than the swapping out of three legacy disclosures. There’s little argument that preparing for this summer’s RESPA-TILA changes is going to be hard. And overwhelming. And exhausting. And frustrating. We […]
By: MortgageOrb, "Mandy Phillips: Integrated Disclosures Will Bring About ‘Philosophical Shift’" PERSON OF THE WEEK: Amanda (Mandy) Phillips is legal and compliance senior executive for Accenture Mortgage Cadence. MortgageOrb recently interviewed Phillips to learn about how the company is helping lenders meet the upcoming deadline for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) new integrated disclosures […]