Every lender should work to get every bit of power out of the technology tools in which they invest. In our study of the best performers in the industry, we found that the nation’s top lenders respond to this question in three primary ways.
Every lender should work to get every bit of power out of the technology tools in which they invest. In our study of the best performers in the industry, we found that the nation’s top lenders respond to this question in three primary ways.
The need to be competitive in the mortgage lending business has never been greater. Fortunately, depository lenders have an advantage in this area as their existing customer base is a ready-made prospect database for mortgage lending, if they can tap it. High performance lending and greater profitability comes can be tracked to 5 KPIs.
Mortgage Cadence's Collaboration Center product was voted one of the top four demos of the Digital Mortgage Conference.
In every business there are key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter. These are the ones that guide decisions and help measure success. Without them a business is like a boat without a rudder, just drifting and bobbing – at the mercy of the tide. We know that profitable mortgage lending happens when you track 5 […]
"We should start educating the public, especially first-time homebuyers on affordability."
Mortgage Cadence's Dan Green, EVP of Marketing, discusses ways in which lenders can extend their reach and allow future origination business to grow in unprecedented ways
"The population interested in housing continues to grow, showing that the American Dream of owning a home remains as strong as ever. So why does housing, and the mortgage business, continue to disappoint?"
By: Dan Green for CUInsight My wife and I recently closed on our eighth (and hopefully last) home purchase. This purchase, combined with the places we’ve rented, brings our total address count to about fourteen in just thirty years. That’s more than enough for a lifetime! While this may be our last home, it is […]
By: Dan Green for CBInsight There was good news a few weeks ago for mortgage lenders. In late August 2015, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported that the all-in cost-to-close for mortgage loans decreased from $7,195 to $6,984, a total savings of $211. Two hundred bucks might not seem like a big deal, but it is, […]
By: Dan Green for CBInsight Community bank mortgage lending takes on many shapes. Every community bank has a unique set of processes, products and supporting technology, so what are the unifying factors that all mortgage lenders should watch to determine their performance? Last month we talked about mortgage customer share and mortgage employees per 1,000 […]
By: Dan Green for Today's Lending Insights A lender and I were talking the other day about fully paperless, completely electronic mortgage lending — what we now refer to as the digital mortgage. Digital mortgages live 100% in the virtual world. This is a big departure for our industry and from tradition: A mortgage is, […]
By: Dan Green, "Coming of Age: The Digital Mortgage," for Today's Lending Insights The digital mortgage is nothing new. Lenders began talking about the fully paperless, all-electronic loan at the dawn of online lending more than a decade ago. A few have made the leap; their borrowers self-originate, their teams ‘screen-process’ rather than folder process, […]
By: Dan Green for Tomorrow's Mortgage Executive The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released “Leveraging Technology to Empower Consumers at Closing” on August 5, 2015. This is an eagerly anticipated report covering the eClosing Pilot project the CFPB conducted with a group of lenders and mortgage technologists during the first four months of this year. […]
By: Dan Green for CBInsight There are many ways to answer the question, “What does it cost a credit union to close a mortgage loan in 2013?” The quick answer is, “A lot more than it once did.” Those of us who lent in the 90s through the early 2000s watched the cost of closing […]
By: Dan Green for CBInsight Last month we introduced part one of vintage strategies with the idea of providing mortgage lenders five ideas for a successful new year. Part one provided the first two strategies. Part two presents the remaining three. In January’s article, we discussed the importance of recognizing market differences. There are many, […]